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 Urgent Interview Help Please!!!
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Posted on 12-23-15 12:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello good people of Sajha world,

Need your serious help, i just heard that i clear the phone interview but i would be facing Face to Face interview and most likely by next week. This is for ETL Developer Position and i really need this Job. But i would need your help to know the real time senario, i am sure many are working as a ETL Developer and are pro. Can you please help me with the example related to real time project request and how it can be implemented ? I just want too relate to my Job so can defend my resume!!

Thank you very much in Advance
Posted on 12-23-15 12:30 PM     [Snapshot: 44]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Be yourself, if you really have given interview by yourself than you should not be worried as they will be asking similar questions. Prepare to answer the query related questions about how you would test using query(ETL).
I don't think you should be worried at all. Never show your nervous face, try to smile and answer what you know and if you try to answer something you don't know say you have Knowledge but no deep exp otherwise they will dig in that same questions. by the way is this your first job?

Hope this help !!!

Posted on 12-23-15 12:47 PM     [Snapshot: 77]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you Hireme, i will try my best but no this is not my first Job, i have been working as Analyst for 7 years now but yes this will be my first for ETL Developer so i am little nervous if they dig deep and they usually do since it will be technical. It would be nice of someone can give me a example of real time!!
Posted on 12-23-15 1:02 PM     [Snapshot: 99]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think the usual scenario would be you will get a mapping document from BAs, and then you will use the ETL tool to create that mapping.
I don't know the technical work, but one real time scenario I worked on is users will enter data in front end application. Whatever user entered in one session will be stored as a xml file. ETL guy would process that xml file into staging database and then into the normalized data warehouse. From there there would be another ETL process to send the data into OLAP(denormalized) data warehouse for reporting.
Last edited: 23-Dec-15 01:07 PM

Posted on 12-23-15 5:24 PM     [Snapshot: 263]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ok great thank you kunthaun, appreciate your help. I will try to search online as well if anything else out there, in the meantime anyone else have any additional thoughts it will be great help!!
Posted on 12-24-15 10:43 AM     [Snapshot: 464]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yeap, My honest opinion..
You should not go for the interview. I don't think you are ready. However, you might be lucky and person asking questions might just ask same questions or they might not know what to ask you..
ETL is a broad term. Do you know what software - SSIS or any other ETL ?..
A friend of mine was asked to create a SSIS package during the interview. These days most hiring mangers are aware of this fake resume.
Recently a guy at my work was terminated on 1st day. When I asked the PM, he told me that its not the same guy they interview on the phone. Basically they asked him same question and he couldn't answer...
Now back to your question (since I assume it is SSIS etl) , I have only used some other ETL to some extend so I cannot comment on them
E - Extract (all diff sources)
T - Transform ( data manipulation )
L - Load ( all diff destinations)
This is the basic of ETL. I don't know what you have in your resume so I cannot give any scenerio examples ...
But Go over basic stuff for SSIS. Find some of the major used Task in SSIS and read when they are used. GO read DataFLow task, FInd what are diff sources and destinations...find what are major data manupulations tasks used for data flow
SSIS configuration and dynamic and variables are major in SSIS, read them ...
Google some of the challenging stuff ppl have faced in SSIS (one of them is adding Header and Trailer records which deisn't match output layout)
One drawback no secure FTP only FTP in SSIS (not sure if they have in 2014)
Read lookup Task and diff settings on it..
How to call this SSIS in job and diff settings of SSIS when it comes to security
How they are stored - 3 types
Deployment method

Hope this helps

Posted on 12-24-15 11:26 AM     [Snapshot: 509]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi Stupida, Thank you for your suggestion but i think i am ready for Informatica brother and i am familiar with most of the mapping, workflow but don't have hands on. I am sure i can handle it but i need to clear the interview or get the job, I am not a fresher with fake resume. I am working as Data Analyst for 7 + years but not as ETL Developer. and they are not looking for 7 years experience or all that, They are looking for 2 - 3 years I wanted to get into Development and that is my interest so i think that should make me qualify right ? Thank you for your suggestion i will try to do some research.

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