अन्ततः पेसागत र व्यक्तिगत दुवै रूपमा नेपाल फर्किने मेरो लामो धोको पूरा हुनलागेको छ । पाकिस्तानमा झन्डै तीन र बेलायतमा १४ वर्ष बिताएपछि म स्थायी रूपमा अर्काे महिना नेपाल फर्किंदैछु । बेलायतमा बिताएका १४ वर्ष मेरालागि जीवनको एउटा अत्यन्त सुखद, उपलब्धिपूर्ण र सन्तोषजनक समयका रूपमा सदा रहिरहनेछन् । पाकिस्तानको तीनवर्षे बसाइले मेरो शैक्षिक जीवनमा एउटा इूटा थपेको थियो र मेरो पेसागत जीवनको जग निर्माण गरेको थियो । बेलायतको बसाइले मेरो शैक्षिक जीवनमा आर्को इँटा थप्यो र मेरो पेसागत जीवनलाई एउटा रूप र परिचय दियो । ती सबैले मलाई व्यक्तिगत रूपमा सुखद अनुभूति दिने गरेका छन् । तर मैले मेरो शिक्षा र पेसाको धरातलमा उभिएर बेलायत बसाइका क्रममा देखेका र भोगेका क्षणहरूले मलाई जे सिकायो र मेरो पेसाभन्दा बाहिर मभित्र रहेको गहिरो विश्वासलाई अघि बढाउन जसरी प्रेरित गरायो, त्यो मेरालागि सबभन्दा सन्तोषको पक्ष रहेको छ । यी अनुभूतिहरूलाई दुईवटा कारणले मैले यहाँ बाँड्ने धृष्टता गरिरहेको छु ।
पहिलो कारण हो, जेले मलाई मेरो आजसम्मको यात्रामा सबभन्दा ठूलो सन्तोष प्रदान गरेको छ, त्यसका लागि म आफूलाई नभएर अनगिन्ती विदेशमा बस्ने र खासगरी बेलायतवासी नेपालीहरूलाई धन्यवाद दिन चाहन्छु । तिनको सद्भाव, विश्वास अनि नैतिक र आर्थिक सहयोग नभएको भए मैले तय गरेको त्यो सानै किन नहोस्, तर सबभन्दा बढी सन्तोषजनक पाइला चाल्न सक्ने सम्भावनै रहने थिएन । मेरो १४ वर्षे प्रवासमा नेपाल र नेपाली भनेपछि मरिमेट्ने कैयौं नेपालीहरूलाई मैले भेट्ने, उनीहरूका बारेमा सुन्ने-पढ्ने र कतिपयसूग विचार आदान-प्रदान गर्ने मौका पाएू । उनीहरूबाट मैले धेरै सिकेको छु । यो लेखमा ती सबैको नाम लिन सम्भव छैन । तर नेपाल र नेपाली समुदायलाई कुनै न कुनै रूपमा सहयोग गर्न ती सबै नेपालीहरूप्रति म पूर्ण नतमस्तक छु । ती सबै मेरो बाँकी जीवनमा प्रेरणाका स्रोत रहिरहनेछन् । तीनको नैतिक या आर्थिक सहयोग नभएको भए म र समान विचारधारका मेरा साथीहरूद्वारा स्थापित र सञ्चालित हेल्प नेपाल नेटवर्क नौ वर्षको अवधिमा नेपालका गाउँहरूमा, मूलरूपमा नेपालीहरूबाटै उठाइएको रकमबाट, कैयौं स्कुल बनाउने, स्वास्थ्यचौकी चलाउने, पुस्तकालयहरू निर्माण गर्न, कैयौं स्कुल र स्वास्थ्यचौकीहरूलाई शैक्षिक र स्वास्थ्य उपकरणहरू प्रदान गर्न र आपतकालीन राहतहरू उपलब्ध गराउने काम गर्नसक्ने थिएन । 'नेपालका लागि नेपालीले गरौं' भन्ने नाराका साथ नौ वर्षअघि सुरु गरिएको 'नेपालको लागि महिनाको एक पाउन्ड कोष' अभियान अहिले बेलायतबाहेक अरू कैयौं देशहरूमा फैलिएको छ ।
हामी सबै एकआपसमा मिलेर काम गर्न सक्छौं । कतिपय ठाउूमा त समान नाराका अन्य संस्था पनि स्थापना भएका छन् । भविष्यमा हेल्प नेपाल नेटवर्क सञ्चालनका लागि सहयोग पुगोस् भनी स्थापना गरिएको प्रशासनिक कोषमा मात्रै विश्वको विभिन्न देशका झन्डै २५ जना नेपालीहरूले कम्तीमा अढाई लाखदेखि बढीमा पाूच लाख रुपैयाूसम्म चन्दा दिएका छन् । सो कोषलाई अझ ठूलो बनाउने प्रयास जारी छ । हेल्प नेपालमा काम गर्ने क्रममा मैले यति धेरै प्रेरणादायी नेपालीहरू भेटेको छु, जसप्रति मेरो श्रद्धा सदा अटल रहिरहनेछ । १४ वर्षको प्रवास बसाइका क्रममा वास्तविक रूपमा काम गर्ने सँगसँगै कुराले संसार हाँक्ने, तर नेपाल र नेपालीका लागि केही पनि नगर्ने या लाज छोप्नका लागि अत्यन्त नगण्य एक-दुई काम गरेर फुर्ती लगाउने, घरको गरिबी छल्न विदेशमा दुःखजिलो गर्ने नेपालीलाई गन्दै नगन्ने, टन्न पैसा कमाएर पनि आफू पढेको गाउँको स्कुललाई जस्ताको त्यस्तै छाड्ने तर सिङ्गो देश बनाउने भाषण छाूँेर हिँड्ने, अनि नेपालमा 'हामीजस्ता सक्षमहरूको कदर नै हुँदैन' भनेर सरकारलाई गाली गर्ने, कत्ति पनि सामाजिक दायित्वबोध नभएका, स्वार्थी, ढोँगी र कपटी नेपालीहरू पनि नभेटिएका होइनन् । ती मेरो लेखाइका सधैं तारो बने । र भविष्यमा पनि बनिरहने छन् । मेरा यी अनुभूतिहरू बाँड्नुको अर्को कारण, विदेशमा बस्ने धेरै नेपालीहरूमा नेपाल फर्किने या नफर्किने भन्ने द्विविधासँग सम्बन्धित छ । मेरा दुवै छोराछोरी लन्डनमा जन्मिएका थिए । ती ११ वर्ष र ८ वर्षका हुँदा गत वर्षमै उनीहरूलाई स्थायी रूपमा नेपाल सारेँ । धेरै मित्र र आफन्तहरूको दबाबका बाबजुद हामी -मैले र मेरी श्रीमती) ले आफूहरूलाई मात्र होइन, छोराछोरीलाई पनि बि्रटिस नागरिकता लिन इन्कार गरिदिएकोमा, धेरैले हामीलाई मूर्ख सम्भिmएका
थिए । त्यतिमात्र होइन, हामी उनीहरूलाई यस्तो स्थितिमा नेपाल सारिरहेका थियौं, जतिबेला नेपालमा स्कुलहरू नियमित रूपमा चलिरहेका थिएनन्, दिनमा १२/१५ घन्टासम्म बिजुली गइरहेको थियो, काठमाडौं धूलो, धूवाँ, फोहोरमैलाले व्याप्त थियो र सुरक्षास्थिति नाजुक हुँदै गइरहेको थियो । म भने काठमाडौंमा रहेका मेरा कैयौं मित्रहरूले झैं छोराछोरीलाई १२ कक्षासम्म भारतमा पढ्न पनि नपठाउने, बेलायतमा पनि नराख्ने र आफू पनि उमेर छँदै नेपाल फर्किने पक्षमा थिएँ । काठमाडौंमा आर्थिक स्थिति पूर्ण मध्यमवर्गीय हुँदाहुँदै मेरो त्यस्तो ढिपी देखेर, मेरा नातेदारहरू भन्थे, 'कुकुरलाई घिउ नपचेको, बोकाको मुखमा कुभिन्डो नअटेको' आदि-इत्यादि । तर मलाई त्यस्ता टिप्पणीहरूले छुँदै-छुँदैन थियो । मेरा ती नातेदारहरू फोहोरमात्र हेरिरहेका थिए । म फोहोरमा कमल फुलाउन थोरै तर प्रेरणादायी ती नेपालीहरूलाई हेरिरहेको थिएँ, जसका कारण आज देशमा व्याप्त राजनीतिक दुर्गन्धीका बाबजुद नेपाल, नेपाल रहेको छ । त्यो देश, जसले म र मजस्ता दसैं-लाखौं नेपालीहरूलाई नेपाली भन्दा गौरवको अनुभूति दिन्छ । त्यसैले विदेशमा बसेर नेपाल र नेपालीका लागि गर्नमात्र होइन, देशभित्रै बसेर अनेकौं रचनात्मक काम गरेर मजस्ता कैयौंलाई नेपाल फर्किन प्रेरित गर्न ती नेपालीहरूप्रति पनि म उत्तिकै आभारी छु । ती फर्किएर सारा नकारात्मकता बाबजुद खुसीसाथ अत्यन्त रचनात्मक जीवन बिताइरहेका छन् भने म र मेरो परिवारले चाहिू काठमाडौंमा बस्न नसक्ने भन्ने प्रश्नै उठ्दैन थियो ।
कुनै दुःखद घटना घट्नुछ भने त्यो भाग्यको खेल हो, जहाँ बसे पनि टारेर टर्दैन त्यो । हो, म फर्किएर कैयौं नेपालीहरूले झैं हिलोमा कमल फुलाउन नसकुूला, आकाशको तारा खसाउन नसकुूला । म त्यस्तो कुनै महान लक्ष्य लिएर फर्किन लागेको पनि होइन । धेरै मेरा दौंतरीहरूले 'खुब शान देखाएर ठूलो मान्छे हुन गएको थियो, देख्यो त भन्लान्, त्यो त महाको आडम्बर हो नि, मुखले बढो राष्ट्रवादी कुरा गर्छ, के-के व्यक्तिगत फाइदा हुने देख्यो, अनि फर्कियो' भन्लान् । भन्नेले यसै लेखलाई पनि आफ्नो ढम्फु आफैं बजाएर शान दिएको भन्लान् । भोलि मेरा छोराछोरीले 'हामीलाई लन्डनको स्वर्गबाट काठमाडौंको नर्क लेराएर जाकेको' भनेर सराप्लान् । ती सबैको सामना गर्न म तयार छु । सबभन्दा डर मलाई अरूको नभइ, मेरा छोराछोरीले भोलि सराप्लान् भन्नेमा छ । साना छँदा छोराछोरीका मार्गनिर्देशक तिनले मनपराए पनि, नपराए पनि तिनका बाबुआमा नै हुन् । आज मैले मेरो ब्रह्मले जे ठीक देखेँ, त्यो
गरेँ । भोलि उनीहरूले मैले जेलाई आदर्श देखेँ, त्यसलाई भूल सम्भिmए भने मलाई कुनै पश्चाताप हुने छैन । त्यसमा म प्रस्ट छु । मैले रोजेको बाटोबाट उनीहरू अलिकतिमात्र पनि प्रेरित भए भने म आफूलाई धन्य सम्झनेछु । भएनन् भने त्यसलाई म मेरो जीवनमा दुर्भाग्यको एउटा पाटो सम्झनेछु । मैले यी अनुभूतिहरू नेपाल फर्किन लागेर या अलिकति कल्याणको काममा संलग्न भएर के-के नै गरेँ भनी फुर्ती लगाउन पाठकहरूसमक्ष पस्किएको अवश्य होइन । तर समाज कल्याणकारी भावनाबाट निर्देशित हुने हो भने सधैं सरकारलाई गाली गरेर बस्न पर्दैन र धेरै सकारात्मक कामहरू आफैं हुनसक्छन् भनेर पुनःपुष्टि गर्नखोजेको चाहिँ अवश्य हो ।
त्यसैगरी वर्तमानको परिस्थितिमा पनि दृढ मनोबल हुने हो भने नेपाल फर्किन सकिन्छ भनेर जिकिर गर्नखोजेको पनि हो । त्यति गर्दा म घमन्डी सुनिएको छु भने म प्रबुद्ध पाठकहरूसँग क्षमायाचना गर्न चाहन्छु । अन्त्यमा, तपाईंहरू, खासगरी विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालप्रेमी नेपालीहरू, कसैलाई पनि आफूले छोडेर गएका ती गरिब गाउँहरूमा शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा केही गर्न इच्छा, त्यसको लागि उपयुक्त माध्यमको आवश्यकता र त्यो माध्यम हेल्प नेपाल नेटवर्क बनिदिनसक्छ भन्ने विश्वास छ भने कृपया मलाई निःसंकोच सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला । नेपाल फर्किएपछिको मेरो निजी समय सकेसम्म विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीहरूको कल्याणकारी चाहनालाई साकार पार्न व्यतीत गर्ने मेरो मनसाय हो । कल्याणको काममा कसैका लागि पनि सहायकसिद्ध हुन पाएँ भने म आफूलाई भाग्यशाली सम्झने छु ।
i have seen a lot of people who went back to do something but couldn't stay longer and came back.Hope this think doesn't happen to our rabindraji.And your article is thoughtful.Best of luck..
अर्को एउटा मानिस जसका सोचलाइ कदर गर्दछु । हुन सक्छ रबिन्द्र दाइ वा वासु तिवारिले देशका खातिर केहि गर्न सक्छन वा सक्दैनन तर उहाँहरु ले भबिष्यका कयौं युबा म लगायत अरुलाइ पनि देश बिकास को बाटो देखाउने छन । समाज र देशको बिकास का लागि अव गिरिजा, माकुने, प्रचण्ड वा उपेन्द्र यादब जस्ता भ्रष्टहरुको भकारि होइन समाज र देशको माया भएका बासु तिवारि, रबिन्द्र मिश्र र तल भिडियो मा देखिएकि पुस्पा बस्नेत र रमेश सर।यि भिडियो ले सायद तपाइहरु हिडेको बाटो मा गलत हुनुहुन्न भन्ने मात्र देखाउदैन यसले देश र जनता कस्तो स्थिति मा छन र देशले केखोजिरहेको छ भनेर पनि देखाउछ ।तर माफ मेरो भिडियो लिङ्क देखाउने प्रयास सफल भयन । मज्जाको भिडियो डट कम मा मेरो जिन्दगि मेरो बिश्वास हेर्नु होला भिडियो का लागि ।
रबिन्द्र मिश्र थोरै प्रतिभाशाली ब्याक्ती मध्ये एक हुन । बिबिसी मा प्रस्तुत गर्ने कार्यक्रम हरु मा मात्र हैन अरु लेख हरु मा पनि स्पस्ट सरल अनी निस्पक्ष समाचार सम्प्रेशण गर्ने कुशलता प्रती हामी सबैले आभार प्रकट गर्नै पर्छ। उनी जुनसुकै कारण बाट नेपाल जान लागेको भए पनि प्रतिभाको कदर त जहाँ पनि हुन्छ र नेपालमा पनि उन्नती गर्न सक्छन भलै केही समय एड्जस्ट् गर्न गर्हो होला । माथिको लेख ले अधिकान्श नेपाल प्रेमी नेपाली हरुको भावना बोलेको छ । " नखाउ भने दिन भरिको शिकार खाउ भने कान्छा बाउको अनुहार" भएको बिदेश बसाइ उनै ले भने जस्तै "कुकुरलाई घिउ नपचेको, बोकाको मुखमा कुभिन्डो नअटेको", "'हामीलाई लन्डनको स्वर्गबाट काठमाडौंको नर्क लेराएर जाकेको'"मा नटुङिने हो भने पनि धेरै नेपाली हरु ले आफ्नै जन्मभुमी मा सुख को सास फेर्ने थिए होलान उनको आकान्छा पुरा होस् भन्ने कामना !!
No time for being sentimental.... No path may be a correct path.. Think about Taos philosophy: Pathless Path. Can we walk this pathless path? This is the question.. doesn't matter where you live what you.. it's all about your brain.. !!!!! You take bunch of ants from Nepal.. and release them to amazon... what the hell that those ants think? ha ha.. it doesn't matter!!!! those ants will live their lives fully until the death!! Does not matter where. But obviously if they ants are being threatened by Maoists in Nepal.. certainly they would love to go to amazon for peaceful life.. wouldn't you?
I really love the way that Rabindra Misra asks the question in BBC Nepali Service. One of the main reason I listen to BBC is because the straight question he asks to his guests. Hats off to Mr. Rabindra Misra. I hope to follow your footpath someday.
Why you want to follow his path? Why won't you make your own path? Why to copy others? Try to do something different... this is the problem with our education system.. always teaching kids to do this or that.. thereby killing their creativity!!
Say "I want to carve my own path"....don't have to follow others... it also doesn't mean that you have to be a leader.. it's not like that... you walk your own path.. you ar unique individual... make something of yourself.. not others..
Don't immeidately jump into conclusion that Oh this guy Mishra's path sounds attractive or whatever.. who knows.. you don;t know the motive behind his decision to go back to Nepal.. probably he will never tel you the truth.. his future actions will tell you (Time will tell). Until then, how can we say what he is doing now is Superb.. NOPE..
just returning back home is not a way to go, an example or a path, but going and doing something for the betterment of Nepal can encourage so many people abroad to help Nepal from anywhere they reside. Rabindra Mishra jasto aafnai mato ma nangra khiyachhu bhanera Rabindra ko footstep follow garna nasake pani ali badi helping attitude develop hunchha ki NRN ma Rabindra ko Nepal pharkane aat and hopes le.
It is an irony that he is going back to Nepal after British government made a decision to shift BBC-Nepali radio to Nepal. If he had made this decision before it would have made meant alot. Not so much now.
You are right no quiero, it easy to write such things after spending 14years abroad to make sufficient money. With that said, it must not have been an easy decision. However, lets see what he does after his returns otherwise lets not make any +ve or -ve comments.will see!
As far as I know, Rabindra Mishra's decision is not the aftermath of BBC's changed policy to relocate regional broadcasting centers as NQ and Kanchu have assumed. He sent back his kids to join schools in Nepal a year ago, whereas the bbc's decision is come recently and still is protested by the affected journalists includeing nepalese journalists.
Kanchu's words "after spending 14years abroad to make sufficient money" is typical example of negative attitude of ourselves. I do not know if anyone has made SUFFICIENT money in 14 or longer years. Even Upendra Mahato does not think he has made sufficient money. In addition, Rabindra Mishra is a journalist not a businessman. You might know that such regular job holders can make limited saving after paying taxes, and expenses. If he and his family members have chosen to maintain good lifestyle or average living standard matching to his status, he may end up spending almost all of his earnings depending where he lived.
I have seen people working 10s of years out of country without doing unlawful jobs have saved 10 times less than their friends in Nepal. You know, the economy in Kathmandu is boom and everybody have many ways to earn, but people living in foreign countries who avoid unlawful jobs do have limited ways to earn. Just recently, a friend of mine told me that his current saving, after getting a good job, is much much less than what he used to have when he was working in gas stations. I have seen people saving less than $5000 in 16 years of stay in the USA. So it is insane to estimate earnings by counting the number of years one spends out of country. Only YCLs do that to beg donation in Nepal.
I do not know how much saving Rabindra has made, but I can certainly understand that financial saving would not be the reason for him to make the decision. I admire his decision and do not want to doubt on his love and devotion to nation at this time. If I can, I will help him through the network he has set.
Look there's nothing greatness of this guy returning home.. I think it's the compulsion that he has to return.. otherwise what the hell he can do abroad... unless some braodcasting company would give him a job to run program in NEPALI... !!!!! I don't think he will ever be accepted for doing program for any other braodcasting in other languages.. Eglish? French? C'mon this guy is a nepali journalist... he has no choice.. so admit it..
he is just trying to be Hero and rationalizing his return to Nepal... human beings are like that.. they are the only ones on this earth who keep on rationalizing their acts...
Who the fu g is thiws Mishra.. he is just a human being.. nothing special..
Tired of these nepalese suc kers.
If he has to return home.. return.. don't act like a fu king Hero..
Guys, be positive. He doesn't know me personally but i know him closely. He has been in England for more than 14 years, where he could apply British citizen for both of his childrena and live like 1000s of other Nepali. As you guys know,how many people are trying hard or some of our fellow coutry man even burnt to migrate in England but he is leaving shake of Nepal. He can work same as other Nepali Journalist (Working in BBC Nepali Services involve in freelance or other business). I know he is arrogant and stubborn but he think he can do better in Nepal and give more time for Help Nepal (NGO) thats his personal view. I don't think there is anything wrong to express personal feeling. It is a truth some of us can't accept easily but in my view he is telling other fellow country man to return own country to lead towards progress and live free life, as you know life is better interms of quality in Nepal than staying illegally and running from police every minute to avoid deportation in America or Europe. Now we need to learn from Chinese, Japanese or Even from Indian man why after graduation most of them return their own country , but in our case if we failed to secure visa legally we stay illigally to avoid problem in Nepal. Guys we need to return our country one day , our knowldge and experience can help to develop our nation, to give hope for future generation and to show world that we can build our nation without their support.
By this time half of you guys must have stop reading my thread making assumption that I am mad. Guys Yes we know there are thousands of problem in Nepal but how many years we can avoid it. What can we say to our future generation or rest of the world if we don't try to do anything for our country? I know we talk a lot about YCL or Terai (तराइ) but we alyws fear to return our own homeland. Nepal needs brain than just comment on sajha, donation or tax to run Nation than illegal Hundi service, educated teacher to make every one ducated. We need more skilled or experience person to run our country than dirty politician Girija, Makune, Upendra Yadav or Prachande. World is changing, even look in america one black man has change history, why we can't change our. We need good leadership not a mass murderer or corrupted.
Guys, I know people like Rabindra Mishra or Basu Tiwari can't change Nepal or Mepali people's lives over the night but they can change people’s attitudes towards our own country. How many percentages of Chinese or Japanese stays in America or Europe after they graduates very limited, now what about our People 100% not then 99% at least. Why, as we know our best excuse is that there is not any opportunity in Nepal. Then who creates the opportunity for us or our future generation. Ok, you will say government but do you guys really know who is running our government. In my view bunch of thugs, even you can smell of blood on some of those thugs and they are always ready to sell our nation at anytime to india, china or USA for the shake of their benefits.
I know everyone who visit sajha also access Ekantipur or myrepublica to find out more about Nepal or Nepali. It shows how much we care or love our nepal then why don’t we support these people who are returning Nepal after gaining knowledge and skills from abroad to work in Nepal. Let’s support them, doesn’t matter how many of them failed to fulfil their objectives but at least these people have offer path to other fellow countryman and also environment to realise that there is hope in Nepal. Anyway what does our nation get from one nepali working for ABC engineering firm in america? nothing. But there are always higher chances on those people who return from abroad brings not only expertise knowledge and skills for the country but also creates opportunity for other fellow country man. So why do we comment negative about them? either we don't like other doing good in Nepal or we never have positive thinking about other. At last, I am sure there is always some minority, who can't accept the truth or doesn't like to see other opinion. Like some of our politician, they are begging Indian, Pakistani or Chinese to topple Maoist Government but they don’t care Fellow Nepali who they represnt or country who pay for them . What they need is just the seat in parliament or minister post, where can make money illegally. Anyway we have habit of pointing others attitudes or character without analysing ours own habit (अर्का को ढाडमा हिडेको जुम्रा देख्ने आफ्नो आङ्ग मा हिडेको भैसि नदेख्ने समस्या बाट पिडित हामि नेपालि मनस्थिति).
Its my personal feeling and doesn't have any intent to hurt anyone, So don't it wrong way.
No doubt, someone should start. For every good or bad things, there is a beginning. The only thing I want to point out here is an article by Sulav Bhatta on Sept 27, 2007 which was titled "Breaking the popular trend and returning to Nepal". I hope Rabindrajee will not be another victim. Good luck.
The article can be found in the following link http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=123883
Breaking the popular trend and returning to Nepal
By Sulav Bhatta Ever since I came back from the US eight months ago, the most common question I have faced is regarding my "naive" decision to return. In my opinion, this is a wrong question to be asked. They should be asking why people do not return after completing their studies. To satisfy people's curiosity I tell them that this is my country and I have come back because I feel that I can do something here with my engineering degree. But people seem less convinced with my answer. They give me a strange, funny look. The US, undoubtedly, is one of the most developed countries in the world. It is full of opportunities and it treats hardworking people very well. However, it is not Nepal, the country of our birth, where we enjoy an intricate feeling of belongingness. I have no hard feelings against the US; it treated me very well during my six years there. I think all Nepalese should go to the US at least once in life to learn about freedom, hard work, fairness, positive attitude, accountability, sense of responsibility etc. After experiencing US life, I wanted to come to Nepal and give it a shot. I adjusted my expectation level accordingly because it would be ridiculous to expect things here to be the way they are in the west.
However, after spending about eight months is Nepal, I have some idea about why I was “mocked”. Currently I am doing my MBA as well. When I went to join the MBA programme, the college was locked due to some problem at Pokhara University. Our student coordinator who took my interview asked me why I came back. This was a strange question because she herself studied in the US and then returned to Nepal. I could not help but think that people are very frustrated with the current situation here. Regular class interruption due to Nepal bandh etc. is a part of life and something I am used to by now. Some of my MBA colleagues are in the process of applying for the US. If they get the visa, they would have no qualms about leaving the MBA program here.
What has really motivated me to write this article is the recent turn of events. There was vacancy for engineers at Nepal Telecom, and naturally I thought of applying. Since I have a certificate from the US, I was asked to present a TU equivalent for my US degree. I went to TU and filled up the necessary paperwork. Then they asked me to take my documents to Pulchowk Engineering College (PEC). They needed recommendations from PEC before they can form a committee and decide. Fair enough. Now, I go to Pulchowk only to discover that the Dean's Office has been locked down since the past two months due to the strike of the students. I asked the guy there if there was anything at all that could be done so that my credentials could be evaluated. He told me there was little, if any, chance for that. Then he asked me where I did my engineering. I told him and his eyes lightened up. Then he asked me the same question that I was already expecting--- why did I return?!
I came back home tired and frustrated. My parents were eagerly waiting to know if my problem got solved. I told them what happened and what the guy had said. I tried not to show my frustration. My parents, who were once overjoyed when I came back from the US, are having second thoughts now. They are wondering whether they should have ordered their only son to come back. This is a very ironic situation. However, I still stand by my decision to come back. I just hope that somehow I never have to regret my decision. My problem is just a tip of the iceberg that the people here are facing. I find that our system is so broken up that it needs immediate and thorough change. If something is not done soon enough, we might alienate our young and productive generation so much that the only people remaining in Nepal would be the retired and old people. If we take the case of India, a lot of young people are returning from the US because they can now get same opportunity in India itself. This is helping India a lot. We all know how India has developed over the past few years. We should also try to attract our young, talented people back to Nepal. And I know that there are a lot of people out there who would love to come back if there is stability and opportunity here. I would like to request everyone to do whatever they can in their capacity so that people do not have to run away from Nepal. Trust me, you can make a difference!
and it begins - on Day 1 Trump will begin operations to deport millions of undocumented immigrants
Travel Document for TPS (approved)
All the Qatar ailines from Nepal canceled to USA
MAGA and all how do you feel about Trumps cabinet pick?
Those who are in TPS, what’s your backup plan?
MAGA मार्का कुरा पढेर दिमाग नखपाउनुस !
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